Choosing the right Amazon PPC Software:

Ad Badger Comparison With Downstream

Bid Optimization

ROI optimization (or, in the case of Ad Badger, Bids By Badger) works on an ACOS target. 

Both Ad Badger and Downstream look at historical data and use distinct, advanced algorithms that bump bids up or down and monitor for best performance. (Learn the ins and outs of Bids by Badger’s algorithm here.)

In this category, we think both platforms perform similarly in managing your bid optimization.

Winner: Tie

Sales Maximization

If you want the ability to maximize sales by whatever means necessary, then Downstream wins this round.

Ad Badger intentionally doesn’t offer a Sales Maximization feature.

Historically, sales maximization leads to overspending and risks operation at a loss. That’s the complete opposite of Ad Badger’s mission.

Our platform aims to save you money on your best keywords while reducing ACOS on the lagging ones. Ad Badger’s goal is to boosts sales at your Target ACOS; thus, scaling profitably.

We cautiously recommend that only big brand aggregators use sales maximization features. These brands will sacrifice short-term profit because they know they can recoup losses at a later date or through other means.

Is your business so large or well-funded that operating at a loss doesn’t impact your sustainability? If so, then choose Downstream. Otherwise, Ad Badger may be a safer bet. 

Winner: Depends on Perspective

Keyword Harvesting

As far as keyword harvesting, Ad Badger’s targeting tools are superior because they offer cleaner workflows to move keywords to different campaigns. 

Downstream only offers a feature to “find keywords.” This is good if you want to know which keywords meet or don’t meet certain performance criteria; however, this is not the most time-effective. 

Ad Badger is a better fit if you want to save time by having those keywords automatically negated out or moved to another ad group. 

Winner: Ad Badger

Rule Books/ Bids By Badger

Rule book tools, a Downstream feature, allow you to change bids when keywords meet performance thresholds. 

Ad Badger doesn’t currently have a 1:1 comparison to this feature. However, the Bids By Badger algorithm performs better at changing bids. 

When a negative rule is needed (for instance, ten clicks without a sale), it is better to set up automation via negative targeting or, even better, go back to Bids By Badger and lower the ACOS goal, so you can stay competitive on keywords that are relevant to your brand.

Otherwise, you risk prematurely running through your budget and having to turn these competitive keywords off. 

When a positive rule is needed (ex: move keywords with three orders and with less than 30% ACOS to a specified ad group), Downstream can’t do that. Ad Badger’s Bids by Badger absolutely can

Winner: Ad Badger

Custom Visualizations

Downstream’s platform currently allows for custom data visualizations and dashboards. While Ad Badger doesn’t allow you to create an array of custom graphs, our dashboards have been meticulously crafted by Amazon PPC geniuses to quickly provide high-level campaign analysis.

Dashboards are front and center in the Ad Badger software as soon as you log in. Downstream, on the other hand, has theirs buried at the bottom of the menu.

We think it’s great that Downstream has integrated custom data visualizations within their platform. Still, Ad Badger’s dashboards have been crafted to crunch and relay the most important metrics without any confusing fluff.

Both options will help you better understand your campaigns, but we do think Downstream edges out Ad Badger in this category. 

Winner: Downstream

High Touch Experience

Where does Ad Badger blow Downstream out of the water? Ad Badger is a software supported by real PPC professionals working on advertising campaigns.

Our team is comprised of some of the most experienced PPC specialists who get in the trenches of Amazon advertising accounts daily. The ability to hop on a call with an Amazon campaign manager is an invaluable feature of Ad Badger’s offer.  

Offering a High Touch experience gives Ad Badger a strong competitive advantage over other softwares such as Downstream because our Amazon PPC team is constantly working with the developers to evolve our software while providing client care. 

At Ad Badger, we connect with our clients constantly. We know how valuable a third-party Amazon PPC expert perspective is. We help you utilize all the skills and resources you need to grow your Amazon accounts. 

Check out the case studies and success stories of our clients who doubled their revenue while maintaining TACOS (if not lowering it) within a few months of working with us.

Winner: Ad Badger

Ad Badger's Ideal Client

I made the switch because Ad Badger in my experience is the most comprehensive, sustainable, and effective ad scaling solution to effectively grow your business. Nobody else will provide you anywhere close to the level of professional service you'll get teaming up with Ad Badger.
Frank D
Ad Badger Client

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