8 Solutions To Fix An Amazon Campaign With Too Many Keywords [The PPC Den Podcast]


In today’s episode, we’ll see the result of the case study we did on an actual client’s campaign with 6,000 keywords. Then, discover Clement’s methodological approach, like keyword extraction algorithms, removing duplicate keywords, relocating keywords, and more!

Tune in and find out how Clement achieved a satisfying result after three weeks! 

We’ll see you in The PPC Den!

Episode Highlights

  • 00:00 Overview: How Clement strategized the 6,000-keyword campaign
  • 01:24 Intro
  • 02:35 FIFA 2022 effect – Clement’s raspy voice 
  • 04:29 Recap of the previous episode
  • 08:09 Solution #1: Keyword extraction algorithms
  • 11:27 Solution #2: Removing duplicate keywords
  • 17:20 Solution #3: Relocating keywords: 80/20 rule
  • 19:23 Solution #4: Using a spreadsheet: Bolt file activity
  • 19:57 Solution #5: Researching fresh keywords
  • 21:40 Solution #6: Using the Amazon N-gram Analysis Tool
  • 23:40 Solution #7: Maintaining a reasonable budget
  • 26:24 Solution #8: Making bids on the new keywords
  • 31:16 Presenting the “Comparing Table.” 
  • 34:14 Clement’s takeaway from this experiment
  • 35:33 How Clement managed the entire process
  • 36:44 Outro

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