Ad Badger Version 2: Everything You Need to Know

ad badger version 2 launch

We’ve just launched Ad Badger Version 2.0, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you. The original version of Ad Badger was great, but we knew that a smarter, stronger, and faster software was achievable. 

Ad Badger v2 is not only a PPC optimizer. It is a profit optimizer.

The Story Behind Ad Badger Version 2.0

When we first started Ad Badger, we took the collection of PPC knowledge that our team possessed and created software that was tailor-made to the needs of third-party Amazon sellers. 

However, just like in PPC campaigns, there was room for optimization. Version 1 was lacking in a few areas we saw as critical to our goal of reaching every corner of the Amazon seller base. 

To optimize Ad Badger, we decided to build a new version of the software that improves the features offered in the original version while adding additional functionality. That means we had to rewrite everything. Every piece of the program is better than ever before. 

Features in Version 2.0

Ad Badger Version 2.0 is packed with additional features. Sure, you’ve seen some of these tools before, but you’ve never seen them like this.

Bids by Badger

Bids by Badger has been completely re-coded. There’s now a pre-built algorithm that automatically sets your bids at a level that reaches your target ACOS. 

We’ve also added filters to Bids by Badger. If you want to increase your bids by a percentage when you get a certain amount of clicks or conversions, you can do that.

Amazon ppc software ad badger bids by badger

But wait, there’s more! We’ve also made bulk changes easier!

Account Navigator

Managing multiple accounts? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Ad Badger V2 has a brand new account navigator!

amazon ppc software account navigator ad badger version 2

You can now switch between multiple accounts with ease, and we’ve made the account navigator smarter and more visually appealing.

Negative Keyword History

In Ad Badger Version 2.0, Negative Keyword History is essentially fool-proof. The pre-built rules prevent accidentally using bad keywords, and if you add in your pre-existing ad groups you’ll really see the power of Negative Keyword History.

Positive Keyword Tool

With Ad Badger’s Positive Keyword Tool, you can save tons of time that would usually be spent adding converting search terms into ad groups. Now, the Positive Keyword Tool lets you quickly add keywords.

Badger Co-Pilot

Everyone needs a right-hand man/woman/badger, and now you can have one for Amazon PPC. The Badger Co-Pilot is always keeping tabs on your account. Want to be notified on a regular basis or when an irregularity pops up? The Badger Co-Pilot takes care of that and you’ll be the first to know.

Nightly Negative Keyword Hunt

Just like in Version 1, Ad Badger V2 has the Nightly Negative Keyword Hunt. We saw amazing results and feedback from this feature, and it proved to be the most effective way for sellers to see a return on their investment in Ad Badger. The Nightly Hunt has been improved, and will still be the king of the jungle.

Version 2.0 Support Features

Sure, all of those upgrades are fantastic, but let’s get into the really new stuff. Ad Badger V2 will feature a handful of new “support” features that make Amazon PPC a breeze

Sponsored Brand Support

Would you like to automate your bids, automate your negative search terms, have filters, edit creatives, and download enhancements for Sponsored Brands? If so, you’re in luck. This Fall we are launching Sponsored Brand Support where these edits can all be done inside Ad Badger.

Agency Support

At times, it seems like agencies and vendors don’t get a whole lot of love from us, but that will all change with Ad Badger Version 2. 

Agency support helps you complete time consuming tasks in seconds.

Taking AdBadger Worldwide

All of these features and upgrades are great, but we also want to put AdBadger in the hands of as many sellers as possible. That’s why Ad Badger V2 will serve all Amazon marketplaces.

That means you can sell using Ad Badger in North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. 

We couldn’t be more excited to open up our software to the world and give our users the ability to sell in international markets.

Key Takeaways

Ad Badger Version 2.0 is undoubtedly the most powerful PPC software on the market. We took a great foundation and made major improvements. With a bevy of amazing features, there’s no limit to the success you can have on Amazon when using Ad Badger.

To get started using Ad Badger V2, join our launch list.