Sponsored Product Ads in AMS vs. Seller Central: Infographic

Sponsored Product Ads In AMS Vs. Seller Central: Infographic

Hello Amazon sellers, new to Sponsored Product Ads? Don’t know the difference between them on AMS and Seller Central?

Well, here’s an infographic to help you catch up quickly. Sponsored Product ads can be created in Seller Central or Vendor Central through Amazon Marketing Services (AMS).  The ads are identical and share several commonalities and differences. For a little more information, read my full post on Sponsored Product Ads.

 Sponsored Product Ads in AMS vs. Seller Central: Infographic

Frequently Asked Questions About Sponsored Product Ads

Q: Should I use both kinds of Sponsored Product ads?

A: Of course you should. More ads mean more visibility, which leads to more sales. Remember, you have to apply to become a first-party seller in Vendor Central.

Q: Is there a steep learning curve?

A: No, they are the same ad. With the exceptions of slight differences like the location of the ad and the different interfaces, all optimization tips are the same.

Q: So are there any other differences for Vendor Central compared to Seller Central?

A: I’m glad you asked. Read my blog posts dedicated to that answer. Here’s one for Vendor Central and one for Seller Central. For quick reference, here is our infographic with the differences as well.

Q: How do I get started on Vendor Central?

A: You’re going to want to start here, but you basically sign up, send Amazon your products and enter your payment information. Vendor Central allows you access to AMS, where you have more options and resources to work with to advertise your products.