Bidding On Branded Keywords: What Happens When You Turn Them Off? [The PPC Den Podcast]

Bidding On Branded Keywords: What Happens When You Turn Them Off


In this episode, Michael and Abe Chomali of XP Strategy PPC Management, discuss the effects of bidding on branded keywords and what happens if you turn it off. They will explore the potential impact on the overall performance and how it can affect the visibility of your products. They will also discuss the different tactics you can use to ensure your campaigns run smoothly even after turning off your branded keywords.

So, join us on this fun journey, explore all things branded keywords, and get ready to bid on them like a pro!

We’ll see you in The PPC Den!

Episode Highlights

  • 00:00 Overview: Branded Traffic in your PPC Campaign
  • 01:00 Intro
  • 02:11 Small talks with Abe Chomali
  • 05:13 Bidding in my own name
  • 08:18 Abe’s Experiment: Investing in a Client’s branded keywords
  • 09:01 Protecting brand while ignoring the competition
  • 14:20 Reducing brand traffic spend
  • 17:05 Impact of branded traffic on sales
  • 26:22 Shallow Keyword Depth
  • 31:52 Branded and Non-branded reporting
  • 34:06 Balancing branded spend and performance
  • 36:02 Factors to consider in branded traffic
  • 37:44 Interviewing Abe Chomali

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