What Brand Halo? The  Sponsored Brands Attributed Purchase Report [The PPC Den Podcast]

What Brand Halo? The Sponsored Brands Attributed Purchase Report


Amazon’s new  Sponsored Brands Attributed Purchase Report doesn’t perform miracles like telling you which keywords directly led to which purchase, but it does move us closer in that direction because it offers a lens into how people interact with your creatives. 


Michael and Brent Zahradnik, of AMZ Pathfinder, explain everything you need to know about this new report, how to make the most of it, how it implicates Total ACOS, and more.

We’ll see you in The PPC Den!

Episode Highlights

  • 0:00 What to expect in this episode
  • 2:20 Small talk: Swiss Army stable boy uniform
  • 4:35 New report: Sponsored Brands Attributed Purchase Report
  • 5:56 Where to find this new report & why it exists
  • 12:35 What does Brand Halo have to do with it?
  • 13:27 Breakdown of attribution type  & purchase ASIN
  • 16:30 How are consumers reacting to your creatives?
  • 19:04 Action item: Insights from The Pivot Table 
  • 27:12 What this report is still lacking
  • 32:04 How this implicates Total ACOS 
  • 35:04 Your homework: What to do now

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