12 Unbelievably Effective Free Amazon Features Every Brand Should Be Using

12 free Amazon features every brand should use

When selling in a marketplace as competitive as Amazon, you need all the tools you can get to propel you to success. In this blog post, we’ll take you back to the basics: the tools within Amazon that you should be using. Amazon offers a dozen free features to brands that can help you boost your visibility and sales on the platform.

In this blog post, Michael from Ad Badger and Mansour Norouzi from Incrementum Digital discuss the 12 most important free Amazon features every brand should use. By the end of this post, you’ll understand how to utilize Amazon’s free features to grow your brand and reach more customers.

Let’s dive into it.

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    1. Virtual Bundles

    Virtual Bundles is a section in your listing that lets you bundle products, either different products or variants of the same product. 

    Virtual Bundles is a free Amazon feature that can increase your sales.

    virtual bundle example - 12 free amazon features
    Your customer: "Why, yes, we will take all of the soap. Thank you for offering."

    Virtual bundling aims to pair complementary products together to offer more convenience to the shopper while increasing your order value. For example, a customer buying bone and joint health supplements for their dog would also be interested in purchasing fish oil supplements. You can create a virtual bundle from these two products. 

    Virtual bundles also allow you to utilize more real estate in your listing and push your competitors’ ads lower, creating opportunities for making more sales.

    2. Amazon Posts

    Since the emergence of social shopping, Amazon has tried to stay ahead of the curve by introducing Amazon Posts; this free feature allows brands to create posts inside Amazon, like on any social media platform. You can link your product to these posts to get more eyeballs on your listing.

    It seems like Amazon is trying to get more people on the platform for entertainment and shopping– sort of like what TikTok is doing. Although people don’t view Amazon as a place for entertainment, Amazon posts are quite impactful in creating brand awareness and increasing product discoverability.

    3. Brand Story

    Brand Story appears on your product details page and is a way to enrich your product listing while familiarizing shoppers with your brand. 

    You can create one Brand Story and have it appear on all your products’ details pages. Brand Story is a free Amazon feature that helps you build a relationship with your customers and utilizes the product listing real estate that would otherwise be taken up by a competitor’s  Sponsored Display, Sponsored Brands, or sponsored product Ads.

    brand story example - free amazon feature
    If Amazon sold puppies (please, Amazon, never sell puppies), this is what the brand story could look like.

    Crafting a compelling Brand Story allows you to showcase the unique aspects of your brand, its values, and the story behind your products. By creating an emotional connection with your audience, you can establish trust and loyalty, encouraging repeat purchases.

    This dedicated space on your product details page also serves as an opportunity to differentiate yourself from competitors and control the narrative around your products. In a marketplace where shoppers are often bombarded with ads, having your Brand Story front and center gives you a distinct advantage in capturing and retaining customer attention.

    So, whether it’s the history of your brand, the quality of your craftsmanship, or the positive impact you’ve made, the Brand Story feature empowers you to leave a lasting impression on shoppers while driving conversions and growth.

    4. Brand Profiles

    Brand Profiles is a relatively new free Amazon feature that helps you create a unique identity for your brand. 

    There is a Brand Profiles dashboard in Seller Central under the Brands section. That’s where you fill in the information for your brand identity. You only need to give your brand name, logo, tagline, description, and color. The idea is to create brand awareness by having more presence on Amazon.

    brand profile - free amazon feature
    Every great Brand Profile needs a hero image and a brand logo.

    Once your Brand Profile is set up, your brand’s identity will shine across Amazon. Your logo, tagline, and colors will pop up everywhere – from product listings to your storefront and even Amazon’s own ads.

    It’s all about creating that familiar and trustworthy vibe for shoppers. So, when they see your stuff, they’ll know it’s your stuff. It’s like telling your story without saying a word. Your brand becomes a familiar face, turning peeps into longtime fans.

    5. Premium A+ Content

    Premium A+ Content is the premium version of Amazon Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), also known as A+ Content. 

    Premium A+ Content used to be a paid and very expensive feature. But there’s a promotion going on where it’s available for free to all brands, provided you have a brand story and at least 15 project submissions for A+ Content.

    Premium A+ Content has more modules, enhanced comparison charts, multiple video support, a navigation carousel, and interactive hover modules. These aren’t available in A+ Content.

    6. Brand Referral Bonus

    Brand Referral Bonus is Amazon’s way of incentivizing brands to drive external traffic to Amazon. Take advantage of this free Amazon feature that doubles as a way to drive traffic to your listing.

    For example, suppose you’re marketing your product on social media instead of driving that traffic directly to your listing. In that case, you can sign up for Brand Referral Bonus and channel the external traffic through your referral link. Amazon will then give you a 10% bonus on every sale generated from external traffic.

    Pro tip: We recommend sending Google Ads traffic to your Amazon listingWe’re even happy to do it for you.

    7. Customer Engagement

    A while back, Amazon had restrictions on how brands on Amazon can communicate with their customers. But now, they’ve created Customer Engagement, a free marketing tool allowing brands to email their Amazon customers directly.

    This feature lets you segment your audiences into brand followers, repeat customers, high-spend customers, and repeat customers. This facilitates better targeting with your campaigns.

    example brand engagement email - 12 free amazon features
    This is an example of what an email from the Manage Your Customer Engagement Tool looks like.

    Amazon has criteria determining if a brand can use Customer Engagement, so you must visit Brand Registry to see if you’re eligible.

    You can only send a customer one email per 14 days. This is a good thing because it prevents brands from being too aggressive and flooding customers with emails, which can be a turn-off.

    8. B2B Pricing

    Amazon offers B2B accounts to shoppers buying items for their business. One of the perks of this free Amazon feature is that pricing for B2B accounts gets better prices on Items. 

    The other side of the coin for this arrangement is B2B pricing. B2B Pricing allows brands to tap into Amazon’s network of business shoppers and capture those sales with discounts and special pricing.

    12 free amazon features - b2b pricing example
    B2B gets a discount & you get to move more units. Win-win.

    By offering B2B accounts, Amazon creates a win-win situation. Business shoppers enjoy the benefit of improved prices on the items they need, which can significantly impact their bottom line. On the flip side, B2B pricing opens up a strategic avenue for brands.

    This free Amazon feature lets brands give discounts and special pricing to tap into Amazon’s network of business shoppers. It’s a smart move for brands to connect with the business crowd and boost sales.

    9. Customer Reviews

    The basics of customer reviews on Amazon, and anywhere else, is the more positive reviews you have, the better it is for your business. And the more negative reviews you have, the worse it is for your business. 

    Amazon allows you to search your customer review section using filters like positive and negative reviews. You can then contact the customers that leave negative reviews to find out why they’re dissatisfied and learn what you can do to make it right.

    How To Get Revenue-Boosting Amazon Reviews

    Remember, your primary goal here shouldn’t be trying to get them to remove the negative review. Instead, focus on giving excellent customer service, and in most cases, the aggrieved customer will be blown away by your awesome customer service, and they’ll change their 1-star review to a 5-star. Also, the sooner you address a negative review, the sooner you can fix it.

    10. Managing Experiments

    A/B testing is a staple to a well-optimized business on Amazon. You need to split-test different business components to find the most effective version of each. That’s where the Managing Experiments feature comes in; it lets you conduct these experiments on Amazon for free.

    Some of the areas you can A/B test include:

    Amazon’s free Managing Experiments feature is your A/B testing playground on Amazon. Fine-tune key stuff like A+ Content, main images, bullet points, listing titles, and product descriptions.

    Think of it as your free Amazon optimization lab, helping you discover what really clicks with customers. It’s like testing hypotheses until you strike gold and boost your Amazon success.

    11. Keywords In Q&A

    The Q&A section in your listing allows you to answer shoppers’ questions about your product and gives you more real estate to add keywords to your listing and improve your organic ranking. Amazon indexes the keywords in the Q&A sections and considers them when ranking your product.

    Another perk of utilizing the Q&A section is that you can use keywords that Amazon doesn’t allow in your listing copy. For example, you can’t use the keyword “testosterone” anywhere in your listing copy if you sell supplements, but a shopper can come to your Q&A section to ask if the supplement increases testosterone, and you can answer them. Amazon will index the keyword “testosterone” in the Q&A, and you’ll show up for search terms with that keyword.

    12. Pricing

    Did you know that Pricing is a free Amazon feature? While price is often overlooked, it significantly impacts sales, so you must put some thought into your pricing. 

    Another thing to consider is that for non-Prime members, orders above $25 get free shipping, but orders under $25 have a separate shipping fee. If your price is just below $25, say $24.50, it’ll cost more to the shopper because they have to pay shipping for it. Raising the price to $25.10 saves your customer the shipping cost and adds a few more cents to your profit margin.

    pricing free amazon feature

    Price testing is also a high-impact-low-effort way to improve conversions. The example above shows how slightly adjusting your pricing can enhance your product’s appeal to shoppers.

    Catapult Your Business With Amazon's Free Features

    Amazon’s free features highlighted in this post can be the missing pieces to your Amazon success puzzle. Go ahead and implement these features and test your strategies.

    Whether you take advantage of one of these free Amazon features or all of them, we’re looking forward to hearing your success story soon!

    Bernard Gatheru for Ad Badger

    Bernard Gatheru

    Contributing Writer

    B2B eCommerce content writer. Amazon listing expert. Likes hiking up hills and sweating at the gym.

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