How Ad Badger Lowered rmdy’s Amazon Ad Spend & ACOS in One Month

How Ad Badger Lowered rmdy's Amazon Ad Spend & ACOS in One Month

Since becoming an Ad Badger App user, rmdy decreased its ACOS by over 60% and more than halved its ad spend on Amazon Advertising while increasing its sales, profit, and retention rate. 

rmdy is a brand that believes that whole body health starts with your gut. Their first product, Digestive Essentials, is a chewable tablet that fights bloating and prevents stomach discomfort caused by common foods.

rmdy recognized a gap between the daily ailments individuals faced– bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and more – and the inconvenient drug store products with limited scientific backing on the market. Their product is naturally sourced, science-backed, and chosen by doctors and researchers alike.


Competition in the supplement category is fierce on Amazon Advertising, and to stay competitive, rmdy enlisted Ad Badger to scale. 

Ad Badger has several tools in its arsenal, including its bid optimization algorithm, Bids By Badger, and distinguishes itself from other Amazon PPC software by offering a High Touch program, where clients can speak to a dedicated team of Amazon PPC Experts at their convenience.

The Problem rmdy Faced on Amazon

Being the #1 go-to for fans of Coveteur and Forbes doesn’t inherently mean it’s easy to be #1 on Amazon. In 2022, rmdy’s greatest challenge with Amazon PPC was scale. 

High advertising spending was the norm, and staying on top of the growing competition resulted in a constant high ACOS battle. They wanted to generate more sales and move as many units as possible while protecting their profit.

Before Ad Badger

Before Ad Badger, in May of 2022, rmdy had an ACOS of 117.90%.

This wasn’t ideal, but moving the needle manually requires going through each bid, one by one, in the clunky design of Amazon Ad Console; this process is complicated, time-consuming, and costly.

Editing bids in Amazon Ad Console is awkward, and doing it manually at minuscule levels for entire campaigns increases the odds of human error. rmdy knew they needed a smarter solution.

The Badger’s Game Plan for Rmdy

Luckily for rmdy, this is where Ad Badger shines.

To lower their ACOS and ad spend, all they had to do was turn on Bids By Badger, Ad Badger’s Bid Optimization Algorithm.

Bids By Badger ensures the right bid is always made at the right time on the right keywords. When Bids By Badger is turned on, it instantly performs three separate syncs to extract the maximum and most accurate data allowed by Amazon, pulling every campaign, ad group, ad, keyword, and bid. (It then records changes daily.)

Bids By Badger meticulously tracks each bid’s progress and performance. Most Amazon marketers don’t do this because it’s complicated, tedious, and awkward, but our automations don’t hesitate. We aggregate and sort the bid data to make accurate decisions in seconds.

bids by badger white paper graphic

Bids By Badger edits bids based on more refined thresholds. We begin at the campaign level by determining whether campaigns are above or below their specified target ACOS. Based on its analysis, it performs either in competitive mode or conservative mode.

Game plan: Turn on Bids By Badger for rmdy and cruise.

The Epic Results Rmdy Achieved on Amazon With Ad Badger

Because Bids by Badger performs steadily, never raising or dropping bids by more than 1-3% on any given day, campaigns steadily and surely moved to their goal while maintaining agility. 

With Ad Badger, specifically with Bids By Badger, in June of 2022, rmdy spent a third of their normal advertising spend at an ACOS of less than 50%.


Because Ad Badger isn’t just a single algorithm, we also exchange emails on strategy and feedback for our High Touch clients. In one exchange, we heard praise for our performance.

I want you both to know how happy I am with everything! Everything is going pretty great. Saw an incredible turnaround to an account I recently added to Ad Badger.

Check out the numbers rmdy shared comparing their performance before and after becoming an Ad Badger client.

After Ad Badger

To put a fine point on it, rmdy’s ACOS decreased by 68%.  

More wins: Their average CPC decreased by $1.79. And they increased their ROAS by 133%. 

Bids By Badger achieved scale and efficiency simultaneously, which is notoriously the most difficult thing to do in Amazon PPC.

Did we mention that rmdy achieved these Amazon PPC results in just one month?

On one of their High Touch calls with Ad Badger’s marketing experts, rmdy even raved that they see a higher client retention rate, or an influx of return customers. With the help of Ad Badger, happy customers come back for more.

rmdy x Ad Badger Amazon case study

The combination of Artificial Intelligence with human care is exactly what Ad Badger App High Touch customers experience, and it’s what contributed to continued, profitable growth for this client.

What’s Next for Rmdy?

Ad Badger’s work is never done. The good news is that the Ad Badger App never sleeps. rmdy is still conquering the digestive market on Amazon. They aim to continue scaling, growing, and letting Ad Badger do the heavy lifting.

As for us at Ad Badger, we’re happy to offer a heaping helping of our secret sauce. Because Amazon PPC is forever evolving, they’ll stay agile and ready to explore new strategies ahead of the competition with our software that receives regular updates.


If our Amazon PPC Software can help rmdy decrease its ACOS by over 60% while increasing sales, profit, and retention, imagine what we can do for you.
