[PPC Den Podcast Ep. 22] Should You Bid On Branded Keywords?

Should You Bid On Branded Keywords


Should you or Shouldn't you?

Today, Mike & Brett talk about the age old questions:

  • Should you bid on your own brand with your Amazon Ads? 
  • Should you bid on your competitor’s branded keywords? 

Mike & Brett have thought about this topic for nearly 15 years combined – and in this episode we share those details & learnings.

Bidding on your competitors’ branded keywords is bold. Doing so lets you repeatedly steal away market share from other brands in your niche – potentially attracting long term customers to your brand. However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows in the world of branded keywords. Sometimes, your competitors can fire back. This leads us to the question; is bidding on your competitors’ branded keywords worth it? Is it profitable? SHOULD you do it? What happens if things backfire and your competitors start bidding for YOUR branded keywords? Listen in as Mike & Brett discuss all things branded keywords and (hopefully) put your worries to rest. See you in the Badger Den!

Episode Highlights

  • 2:47 Amazon sellers on Amazon China face a huge blow of the marketplace closing down
  • 3:02 Internationally, Amazon does not have as strong of an e-commerce presence as they do in the U.S
  • 4:50 Kindle Direct Publish (KDP) search term reports are now available
  • 10:50 Mike introduces the heated debate on whether or not you should bid on your own branded terms
  • 12:35 Mike talks about a misconception that people have when it comes to bidding on your keywords
  • 16:23 Brand recognition could be the future for becoming a major seller
  • 18:45 Most consumers aren’t aware to skip pass the sponsored products
  • 23:00 Mike introduces some lessons from Google ads
  • 26:00 Brett introduces the question of whether or not you should bid on your competitors’ keywords
  • 27:50 Bidding on a competitor’s key terms can help in gaining market share
  • 32:13 Brett goes into some of the drawbacks of betting on your competitor’s branded keywords

Links & Resources

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