[PPC Den Podcast Ep. 32] Improving Your Account with Amazon Reports

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Improving Your Account with Amazon Reports

On today’s episode, Mike & Stephen breakdown the six reports you should be utilizing on Amazon. Most sellers know about search term reports, and rightfully so. They provide incredible value and are the “king” of Amazon reports. But, targeting reports, advertised product reports, placement reports, purchased product reports, and performance over time can also give you insight into the strengths and weaknesses of your account. Never used the report feature before? Or maybe you need some clarification on the lesser known reports? On this episode, Mike & Stephen walk you through the features of each report and give you strategies to get started! See you in the Badger Den!

Episode Highlights

  • 6:03 Getting started with reports
  • 7:19 How to use a task manager to save your data
  • 8:50 Search term reports
  • 14:00 Targeting reports
  • 18:43 Advertised product reports
  • 21:21 Pivot tables
  • 22:30 Placement reports
  • 24:52 Purchased products report
  • 27:28 Performance over time
  • 31:40 Reach out if you want to hear more about how Ad Badger handles reports!

Links & Resources

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